Sunday, July 7, 2013

crayon landscapes

These pieces of landscapes are made near Võhandu river in Estonia. I painted with crayon and oil pastels to paper. These are quick works, about an hour or less.


These are paintings of estonian landscapes. For some of them I got inspiration from airplane ride above south-estonia.

These are oil paintings on canvas, made in 2012 and 2013.


49,5x60 cm, mixed media on canvas, 2013

Portrait again

This is 46x38 cm, oil on canvas, 2013

Old style portrait painting

Next self portrait about me is made in course which teach, how to paint portrait  in academic style. This course was guide by Estonian artist Laurentsius. Course last about four weekends.

oil on canvas
45x69 cm

Friday, July 5, 2013

My works in the magazine :)

As I described my last works, two of them were represented in magazine named Diivan, in June edition 2013. These two paintings were sold in the Tartu Young Art Auction which take place twice in each year.
The paintings were publicated in magazine as illustration to an article "Life in the middle of art" about coexisting art and artworks as part of  interiors.


Series of six self portraits. Four of them are sold and two paintings were photographed and represented in design magazine "Diivan" 2013 June publication.

oil on canvas
80x100 cm